Saturday, March 21, 2020


Jackson realized no one was listening as he jabbered on about Geddy Lee's bass playing on the middle period Rush albums. 

"GREEKA CHUNKBOTTOM BLOOMP BONERIFIC GLATZ" he screamed a greasy wall made of smashed tile siding that someone in some design school thought would make people think it was actual carved and polished marble. His  glottal scraping echoed just enough off the cracks and graffiti that he realized all at once that he was in an alley in downtown WhereAmI? , California, messed up on Meth, Mushrooms and Romilar. It was the third day of an indefinite quarantine against a plague of fatal cooties.  He was alone and the son shone down on him hard and heavy. Jackson curled his fist, lifted toward a passing raincloud . "Curse you all. GIMMEE SOME GEEZER BUTLER CHUNK."

It started to rain and now the world became very sad because the world always becomes very sad when it starts to rain.



At March 21, 2020 at 2:04 PM , Blogger Barry Alfonso said...

Dave Marsh was found gagged in a janitor's closet at Mom's Saloon covered in Blitz Brothers stickers and bound with wadded copies of ARTHUR glued in place with masticated glucose product straight from Mr. T's Pub and Grub. No one noticed him for six days until a mop was needed to wipe up the viscera after a hilarious bar fight over the merits of Sego vs. Sanka.

At March 21, 2020 at 8:50 PM , Blogger TED BURKE said...

Greil Marcus was out colder than a Hamtramack wet-dream. Christgau's shadow draped over him in funeral fashion,puckering his lips to give a reedy, nasl inflected whistling rendition of I WAS KAISER BILL'S BATMAN . While all this going on, a black widow spider crawled from under Marcus's collar, ambled up his neck , under his turkey necked chin and over the folds that made up the road map he called a left cheek, finally resting at the tip of the writer;s nose, looking straight up at Christgau. "What you have to say about this whole debacle " he queried. "I like my Sanka in a cup,two cubes of Grints, and a hand job as well" answered the black widow. "Somebody say handjob?" said the waking Marcus, wiping his eyes and then his nose. The black widow was caught in the hand motion and was turned into a green, goo smeat on the back of Marcus's hand.


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