Wednesday, April 1, 2020


He was in love and then she died suddenly ten years later and he mourned her for a moment saying he had to get on with his life but then he died and soon everyone sang their song from the very tips of the tallest building and the birds weeped and the angels played sad celestial music and God himself cursed himself for letting all this happen , he was distracted by asking all the world and all the animals and all the trees in the forest to fall prey to the wind that blows and kneel and bow in his direction, such nonsense while the world weeps lovers who knew each for a minute before sharing a decade of anonymity under the same roof, as we all know, something always has to give way, whether the floor, the ceiling, the other shoe we never see, the other hand of God that is picking your pocket, and yet we see here, today, this minute, the sun rises still, neighbors in bay windows drinking the same bad coffee, the mail man coming with a letter addressed to you, and you know who you are.



At April 1, 2020 at 11:31 AM , Blogger Barry Alfonso said...

This is Truth nailed like smoke escaping through an open door...lips speaking in advance of the head...a full stop when the precipice was two weeks ago last year.


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