Friday, June 19, 2020

AVENUE on a side street

What he could remember were the usual things that turned up after he put himself in the dark by way of drinking a suicidal amount of fruity wine. There were cops walking away from him, shaking their heads. "Not going to touch that guy" said one cop to another, "he's liable to do anything if we put the cuffs on him."

"Let's shoot this butt sniffer" the other cop said. Although it was dark and the streetlights could hardly light the block worth a good goddamned in a sealed coffin, the officer suggesting they shoot the drunk they came across as they made routine passage down a residential street just off Park Avenue put his shades on, killer shades, aviation shades, shades that hid a sinful face from an insane intersection overcrowded with cars arguing on the fumes of bad faith. "I mean, lets SMOKE this torque necked squat clamp/"

The first cop said nothing and yelled some filth into his microphone that rested on his shoulder. Both cops were now in the car and  revved the engine. The lit out of there with a screech of tires burning whatever flesh they'd previously ran over before even further to the sum of its ground up uselessness.  Small children with camera phones and local tough guys and gals gathered around him as he yet again wretched out the contents of his guts in sounds that made one think of rubber cleaning club, wet and slick,being turned inside out over a live microphone. 

Nothing changes , he thought, nothing to look at, nothing to see here folks, 
and hey, he thought, spying a woman wearing wife beaters standing next to a local tough guy, she certainly does justice to that lack of a shirt, and then realized he said it aloud, said it loudly, almost yelling it, and he knew too late that he must have looked like one of those sex pervert mascots from a titty mag, she was above him now,he tried to raise himself on bus bench to apologize she hit hard, as hard as loud as he had yelled , she hit him again, and hit him third time because twice is never enough, he he passed out, staring at the sky before he passed out, tv antennas tickling the man in the moon, 

I wonder who's on Carson he thought before returning to the deep.


At June 19, 2020 at 7:25 PM , Blogger Barry Alfonso said...

HERE'S what's on Carson!


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